
Odin3 v3.13.3 Latest Flashing Pie 9 flash the newer firmware's with compressed binaries (lz4) and more

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Date 2019-02-09 06:58:09
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Odin3 v3.13.3

Flashing Samsung Stock Firmware 4files By Odin

Tutorials flashing Samsung Stock Firmware 4files By Odin Down-loader Application on Windows Computer.

Flash Samsung stock firmware 4 files



[box] Requirements: You need to have Windows Computer and Samsung Device in order to follow the below guidelines.[/box]
Guide Flashing Samsung Stock Firmware 4files By Odin

1Download and install Samsung USB Driver on your computer (if Samsung USB Driver is already installed on your computer then SKIP this step).

Step 1: Download and install Samsung USB Driver on your computer (if Samsung USB Driver is already installed on your computer then SKIP this step).

2:Download and extract Odin Downloader on your Computer (if you already have Odin Downloader then SKIP this step).

Download and extract Odin Downloader on your Computer (if you already have Odin Downloader then SKIP this step).

3: Download and extract Samsung Stock Firmware (4 Files) on your computer. After extracting the Firmware you will be able to see similar files
(file name varies as per device model number):

Content stock firmware 4 files

PIT/Ops: Partition Information Table


BL/BOOT: Boot loader Files

AP/PDA: system partition with recovery and stuff

CP/MODEM: Phone modem

CSC: Countries or carriers like Wi-Fi Calling.

Samsung Stock Firmware 4 files

AP_G530HDCU1AOA2_132828_REV00_user_low_ship_MULTI_CERT.tar.md5 BL_G530HDCU1AOA2_132828_REV00_user_low_ship_MULTI_CERT.tar.md5 CP_G530HDCU1AOA2_132828_REV00_user_low_ship_MULTI_CERT.tar.md5 CSC_OJV_G530HDCU1AOA2_148649_REV00_user_low_ship_MULTI_CERT.tar.md5 FORTUNA3G_EUR_OPEN.pit


4Power Off your Samsung Device.

Step 4: Power Off your Samsung Device.

5: Now, you need to boot your Samsung Device into the Download Mode. get into the download mode: Press and Hold Power + Home + Volume Down Key at the same time for 8 seconds.

Step 5: Now, you need to boot your Samsung Device into the Download Mode. To boot into the download mode: Press and Hold Power + Home + Volume Down Key at the same time for 8 seconds.

6: Once you have booted into the download mode, you will be able to see the Warning Triangle on your device screen. Now, you need to press the Volume UP key to continue.

Step 6: Once you have booted into the download mode, you will be able to see the Warning Triangle on your device screen. Now, you need to press the Volume UP key to continue.

7: Open Odin Downloader (Flash Samsung stock firmware 4 files ).

Step 7: Open Odin Downloader 

8: Once Odin Downloader is launched, you need to connect your Samsung Device to the computer using the USB cable.

How to Flash Samsung Stock Firmware 4 files By Odin

9: Once your device is connected, Odin will automatically detect it and you will be able to see Added message in Odin Log area.

Once your device is connected, Odin flash stock firmware 4 files


10: Now, Click on BL/BOOT button and select the BL/BOOT file from stock firmware 4 files folder.


11: Now, Click on AP/PDA button and select the AP/PDA file from stock firmware 4 files folder.


12: Now, Click on CP/MODEM button and select the CP/MODEM file from stock firmware 4 files folder.


13: Now, Click on CSC button and select the CSC file from stock firmware 4 files folder.


14: Now, Click on Start button to begin the flashing process.Flash Samsung stock firmware 4 files

ow, Click on Start button to begin the flashing Odin stock firmware 4 files

15: Once flashing process is completed, you will be able to see the Green Pass message in Odin. Now, disconnect your device from the computer.

Flash Samsung Stock Firmware 4 files By Odin

16: Now, restart your device (ignore if your device is already started).

Flash Samsung stock firmware 4 files


If failed, what should you do?

Try these things first:

  • Update your device driver software to the latest.
  • Restart your computer.
  • Run Odin as Administrator.
  • Try different cable (original one or the one with better quality) and USB port (the main port recommended)
  • Re-download the firmware file, make sure it is intact and match your device model 
Data Loss Process: Flashing the Samsung Stock Firmware will delete your personal data from the device permanently.
No Warranty Loss: Flashing stock firmware will NOT void the device warranty, so therefore need not to worry about flashing the stock firmware.
[*] Samsung Stock Firmware:If you are looking for the original firmware for your device then head over to Download Samsung Stock Firmware For All Devices From Easy Firmware .